FBI rules out involvement of 3 men, 1 woman allegedly seen planting IEDs around New Orleans near terror attack
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2025-01-02 19:55:49 UTC

Feds ruled out that the ISIS flag-flying terrorist who killed at least 15
people and injured dozens of others on New Orleans’ famed Bourbon Street
had help from four people spotted on surveillance footage near the deadly
attack Wednesday.

Video surveillance from the French Quarter seemingly showed three men and
one woman planting explosives at multiple locations, a federal alert to
police departments around the country said soon after the tragic attack.

Federal authorities have since ruled out their involvement in the tragic
attack but still suggested that terror suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, was
not “solely responsible” for the carnage.

Law enforcement sources told The Post earlier Wednesday that authorities
were investigating whether the attack had connections to any international
terror groups.

At least three IEDs, which were pipe bombs wired with remote detonators,
were found at or near the scene, sources said.

Frank Gerrard
2 hours ago

What we are seeing is an example of the human behavior validation of the
"Broken Window Theory". When a government (Biden/Mayorkas) not only
tolerates, but encourages the violation of its own laws, it signals its
willingness to tolerate all sorts of other extreme behaviors. A
borderless country with crime ridden no-consequence cities and no
coordinated effort to contain the resulting chaos, clearly signals to both
domestic and foreign actors that the odds of suffering any consequence are
in their favor if they choose to add to that chaos. In the mind of a
martyr-terrorist, eliminating and maiming 40 people at the cost of his own
life is no consequence; and not enough consequence for the families of the

45 minutes ago

Exactly correct!
November 5, 2024 - Congratulations President Donald Trump. We look
forward to America being great again.

The disease known as Kamala Harris has been effectively treated and

We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.
2025-01-04 03:36:46 UTC
Scut displays his abysmal ignorance of what a leftist actually is, and
what authoritarian is.
Baxter thanks anyone who doesn't get behind transitioning children is
a Nazi.
KKKlaun is an idiot and a bigot. He needs to get his nose out of people's
underware. He knows no one who is transgender, and no transgender person
will affect him in any way.
Baxter is wrong, as usual. Faggots affect normal people in every way:


Gay needs to be suppressed


Gay simply did not exist until the late nineteenth century, and when we are
in power, they will no longer exist, and people will not quite remember that
they ever existed, much as they do not quite remember that pre-2008 Obama
was opposed to gay marriage and was born in Kenya, or that before Christmas
1978, the Democrats and every single tenured academic in the entire US
government hegemony supported the Khmer Rouge, or at least politely remained
silent while his academic institution supported the Khmer Rouge, taught
students a pro Khmer Rouge version of recent events, and required them to
affirm that version in essays.

Chesterton's Fence: All functional societies either look down on
homosexuality, or altogether strictly prohibit it, executing the offenders,
and those that stop suppressing it, soon go into decline. Likewise, all
successful religions that last for a long time prohibit it. Those societies
that manage to reproduce most fruitfully invariably restrict gay activity.

The reactionary state will in theory throw men who lie with a males as with
a woman off skyscrapers, or publicly hang them, or something like that -
something terrifying, deadly, and, most importantly, publicly humiliating.
Without the public humiliation, nothing we do will have the desired effect.
No society has ever managed to kill off gays as efficiently as they kill off
themselves and each other, thus merely killing gays is of limited
effectiveness. It is essential to kill them in a way that lowers their

In practice, however, we should only do that to people who obstinately and
persistently shove the gay in our faces despite lesser punishments and
lesser humiliations, because those are the ones that cause problems. If gays
stop shoving gay in other people's faces, if gays let us pretend that they
do not exist, things are fine enough, even if a whole lot of bad things may
be happening behind closed doors. We don't need to poke our nose behind
everyone's door. They would love us to pay them that much attention, and we
would fail their fitness test if we did pay them that much attention. We do
need to poke our nose behind the doors of people who are ostentatiously
shoving the gay in our faces, and use what we find as an excuse to throw
them off a tall building so that they will damn well stop shoving the gay in
our faces.

We need to terrorize gays, not into not existing, which would require far
too much terror, and give them far too much attention, which attention they
would enjoy far too much, but we need to terrorize them into allowing us to
pretend that they do not exist, as successful societies routinely pretended.
Our ancestors knew that sodomy happened, but denied that those involved were
attracted to males. Rather, they assumed that those guilty were attracted to
concave surfaces, or concave surfaces that were part of children. They did
not quite forget the joke (after all it is right there in the Old and New
Testaments, so it is hard to forget) but did not quite remember it either.

This post stolen wholesale from this excellent comment [1], which reminds us
of Chesterton's fence. All societies that survived suppressed homosexuality.
Failing to suppress it presages decline and collapse.

So why do societies that tolerate gay then collapse?

Signalling Hazard: If you allow gays, David cannot love Jonathan. If David
cannot love Jonathan, hard for the mighty men of David to stick together. If
the mighty men cannot stick together, the state cannot cohere. If the state
cannot cohere, you get anarcho tyranny, a thousand Kings three miles away
instead of one King three thousand miles away.It's just no longer possible
for men to hang out with each other, especially in intimacy, without the
lingering suspicion that something of the "poop-dick" variety must be going
on. Gay destroyed men's friendships. It used to be possible for men to walk
together down the street and even invite each other for sleepover without
anyone having the faintest suspicion that anal sex is involved. To have
successful cooperation, we have to be able to meaningfully bond with each
other, but meaningful bonding is absolutely impossible when signalling "I
love you bro" translates to "I want to fuck your ass." Without gays in
society, we would be able to express legit affection and signal brotherly
loyalty to each other, and without the nagging need to perpetually explain
that we are "no homo."

If gays are free to speak, I am not free to speak. "Just bake the cake, why
don't you." If you tolerate homosexuality, you must tolerate free speech by
gays about sex and sexuality, whereupon you cannot, in practice, tolerate
free speech by straights about sex and sexuality.

Multnomah County Library offers a series of programs called Drag Queen
Storytime. These events seek to explore ideas of difference, diversity and
inclusion through stories, music and costume. The library serves a diverse
population with a broad range of interests, preferences and needs. We strive
to reflect our communities needs in selecting programs, books and other
materials." [2] Evidently biblical marriage and the heterosexuality of old
movies is not "diverse". If men dressed as women having sex with small boys
in public on the Multnomah County Library floor are officially incuded,
Perseus rescuing and abducting princess Andromeda must necessarily be
officially excluded.

Normalizing perversion inevitably leads to and requires abnormalizing normal
male sexuality. Thus normal male and female sexuality (men conquer, women
surrender, but men perform and women choose) can no longer be depicted. You
cannot depict the Han Solo of the original Star Wars movies or the original
Indiana Jones any more. A society that allows homosexuality to be depicted
is unable to to allow heterosexuality to be depicted [3], except by having
the heterosexuals act gay, as for example in the recent star wars and
avengers movies. If society makes space for gays act gay, it cannot allow
space for straights to act straight. If gays are included, straights are
necessarily excluded. There is no room for both them and us. For us to have
room to be ourselves, we have to deny them room to be themselves. Even in
porn, you will not see female submission to the conquering male
realistically portrayed. You have not seen male conquest and female
surrender since "McLintock", and "Gone with the Wind". What you will see
portrayed is males and females following the gay bondage domination and
submission script. Bondage domination and submission is a hateful gay parody
of the inherent inequality of the courtship dance, as drag queens are a
hateful gay parody of femininity. You are not allowed to depict Han Solo
hitting on Princess Leia If you were to attempt to create something like the
first Star Wars movie today a whole lot of men and women with no children
will complain that depicting men and women following very different mating
strategies, (men conquering and women surrendering, men performing and women
choosing) is oppressive. If those complaining get declared normal, I get
declared abnormal. There is no room in the world for both them and me, for
they will not permit room in the world for Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Rhett
Butler, and McLintock. A world with no room for heroes has no room for me.
If it is legal for gay to exist, then it is illegal for me to exist. It is
legal for a person who identifies as a man to have sex with a person who
identifies as a woman, but it is illegal for me to act as men act with
women, as men and women in old movies acted. It has proven impossible to
include gays without excluding straights.

Denormalization of biological families: Whenever homosexuals are allowed,
they inevitably argue, "We are normal, just like everyone else. We should be
allowed to have kids." And when they do get children, what happens? For one,
the children grow up in confusion about what normalcy is and what it isn't,
leading to dysfunction later in life as they try to make sense of the world.
Secondly, state and society face endlessly weird, even absurd, "Clown World"
dilemmas in dealing with homosexual "families", e.g. when homosexuals fight
over custody over children donated by sperm or egg or adopted. Thirdly, the
traditional family unit itself is wholly unraveled as the door is now opened
for whatever bizarre sort of household one can imagine: "Why can't
transsexuals be parents too? My single mother has already transitioned to a
single father and Xe still loves me!" and so on and so forth. And fourthly,
allowing sex freaks to raise children is prone to result in sexual abuse,
whether it's diddling by gay "parents", or anti-testosterone hormonal
torture by lesbian "parents", or growing up in a whorehouse attended by
fetishists of every shade, hue, and color.

Consent Culture: Women don't really like consent. They prefer "It just
happened". If consent is defined as normality, then biblical marriage is
defined as abnormality, as a crime. Consent culture makes Paul's first
Epistle to the Corinthians 7:3-7 crime instead of law. If consent defines
what sex is right and what sex is wrong, this effectively abolishes
marriage, making it hard to reproduce. Women don't like to be beaten and
don't consent to be beaten, but they like men who might beat them regardless
of consent, like men who will take them sexually regardless of consent, and
sometimes, some women, some of the time, will make you prove it. It is not
that women want to be mistreated, but they want to be alone and in the power
of a man who might well mistreat them, or alone with him, his minions and
his numerous concubines. Under these circumstances, "No" is merely a fitness
test. Gays invert this by consenting to being beaten. BDSM is a hateful gay
parody of the inequality characteristic of normal sexuality and of divinely
ordained biblical marriage. As Drag Queens get off on an ugly hateful gay
parody of femininity, BDSM gays get off on an ugly hateful gay parody of
biblical marriage. In order to attain sexual liberty, the LGBT crowd have
signed off on "consenting adults" morality. Hence their enthusiastic embrace
of whatever the latest installment of Feminist dogma is, without which they
would be condemned as "rapists" by the Feminist system. Perverts benefit
from Consent Culture, because it allows them to do as they please
("consenting adults") while preventing evil privileged heterosexual men from
forming stable families with young women. Thus, all homosexuals regardless
of political affiliation adhere to the Consent Culture Feminist dogma.
Consent means that a drag queen can have sex in public with a six year old
boy on the floor of Multnomah County Library, but Perseus cannot abduct
Princess Andromeda. If drag queens get to molest small boys on the floor of
Multnomah public library, then I do not get to abduct Princess Andromeda. If
it is legal for drag queens to molest small boys in public on the floor of
Multnomah public library, then it is illegal for me to marry in accordance
with Saint Paul's letter to the Ephesians 5:22-33, First Peter 3:1-7, and
First Corinthians 7:3-5. If we don't throw gays off tall buildings, or hang
them in public, or something similarly terrifying and status lowering, then
they make biblical marriage illegal, making it difficult for us to have
children. We have to suppress them, for if we fail to suppress them, they
suppress us. If they get away with secretly having sex with small boys
behind closed doors, that does not cause problems for us, assuming it is
fatherless boys, which it always is, but if they can get away with having
sex with small boys in public on the floor of Multnomah public library, then
we cannot get away with divinely ordained marriage. We have to stop them, so
that they cannot stop us.

Diseases: Gay sex is unhealthy, and moreover, the typically promiscuous
habits of most gays-triple digit partners are par for the course among the
vast majority of them-vastly exacerbates the spread of venereal diseases.
STDs, particularly the serious ones such as AIDS, are essentially a
homosexual phenomenon, though it's also shared by other degenerates and
reprobates that choose to come into regular contact with them. Gays, whose
sexuality is undiscriminating and impulsive, and who are prone to heavy drug
use (they do condom-less orgies with complete strangers), are the petri
dishes of humanity, carrying assorted manifestations of God's wrath. Like
rats, wherever they go, disease follows; thus homosexuals, especially when
unrestricted, are a public hazard. Furthermore, through their normalization
of queer practices (cunnilingus, anilingus, etc.) among normal people, and
through bisexuality, the gays have managed to infect some members of regular
society with their abominable filth, which infection is useful for the gays,
as it allows them to scare-monger society about the diseases that they
themselves spread! Then they ask us taxpayers to invest resources into
solving their sicknesses. Gays, knowing full well that they're
disease-ridden, steadfastly sought to receive the "right" to donate blood.

The ever increasing rage and repression directed against men attracted to
fertile age women, and men to whom young girls are attracted is a
displacement activity for the rage which ensues when people are forbidden to
notice, and forbidden to prevent, gay sexual activity with eight year old
boys. Because the state of Florida dares not stop drag queens from having
sex with small boys in public, the State of Florida gives a mandatory five
year sentence if you induce a woman who looks twenty two, but who is
actually seventeen years and nine months, to send you a naughty selfie on
Facebook Messenger, even if you have never met her in person and had no way
of knowing her age. Going after straight men interacting with fertile age
woman is displacement activity that they engage in because they cannot do
what they inwardly wish to do, punish gay men having sex with eight year old
boys, just as they punish men in the vicinity of misbehaving women because
they cannot do what they inwardly wish to do, punish misbehaving women.

We seek to restore young arranged marriage. The homosexuals and their
leftist supporters will viciously fight tooth and nail against arranged
marriage, because "What if someone is gay?" In a society in which everyone
is assumed straight, gays being either all dead or hiding deep in the closet
(or not born in the first place), there is no such problem; but when gays
are tolerated and accepted, and their presence is constantly celebrated,
then any attempt to restore arranged marriage will be met with fierce
opposition and cries of "Not everyone is heterosexual! Therefore, you
oppressive bigots need to allow people to voluntarily choose their
sex-mates, and only upon reaching fully mature adulthood!" thus, modern
Liberal Marriage. Gays are heavily invested in sexual liberalism, in
allowing all adults to consent to sex with all other adults, and to withdraw
consent to sex at their most frivolous whim, hence rampant divorce and
defect-defect equilibrium. Liberal Marriage is absolutely incompatible with
the reactionary program to make real young patriarchal marriage legal and
easily attainable again.

Shamelessness: The behavior of gays is lacking in shame, a trait for which
they've been infamous from time immemorial; they proudly wear their deviance
on their sleeve. Whereas a normal person doesn't parade around his sexual
proclivities, the gays constantly shove theirs in everyone's face. When gays
are present, the atmosphere itself becomes gay, because they keep
broadcasting their gayness in broad daylight. They emit an incessant sexual
noise, forcing the rest of us who are naturally averse to faggotry to seek
refuge from it, psychologically or physically. Can you imagine straight men
parading around giant sex toys and so on?

Perversity: It's extremely common for homosexuals to possess plethoras of
aberrant fetishes, which, like their "main" deviance, they also seek to
normalize. The BDSM world (gimp suits, sexual torture, etc.) is inextricably
linked to gays, who pioneered it, and who were embraced by it. They relish
dangerous, risky sexual behavior that leads to harm and death. Gays host
scat parties in which the participants shit diarrhea and vomit on each
other; they are fond of various sexual gratification toys that most normal
people want nothing to do with; they are often sexually attracted to
prepubescents, even toddlers (nepiophilia); there is the whole queer "furry"
thing; and in all aspects, their sexual behavior is abnormal and depraved,
bearing no resemblance to that of most heterosexuals.

Subversion: A fundamental political problem with homosexuals is that they
always seek to upend sexual mores and morality to make them as favorable as
they can be to their own death style. One can say that this is
understandable and sympathize with it, but why exactly is it in society's
interest to abandon its own healthy ways to cater to the deviant desires of
sexual minorities? Homosexuals never cease trying to converge everyone and
everything to their death style, hence why they insinuate themselves into
sundry political movements and undermine the dominant, pro-social morality
therein in order to suit their special agenda. They attempt to turn all
political and cultural niches incompatible with homosexuality to "gay
friendly" – and, if that doesn't work, they frantically endeavor to destroy
said niches.

Homosexuals generally don't conform to natural sex roles, because faggots
are effete and dykes are masculine; consequently, they have long been the
most vociferous and ardent advocates for turning all social institutions -
and, indeed, society itself - into "sexually neutral" domains. They champion
the entry of women into the workforce and oppose patriarchy and patriarchal
marriage for that reason; they support coed education and coed workplaces;
they want women to have authority over men; Homosexuals and Feminists share
the same goals, and needless to say, there's great overlap between these two
categories. Most feminists are ugly childless lesbians, and the rest become
cat ladies when they are no longer hot enough to bang musicians and
criminals. Effete men want to be allowed to do whatever women traditionally
do, and masculine women likewise want to be allowed to do everything men
traditionally do, thus gays and lesbians are deeply embedded in Feminism,
particularly the "classical" Feminism of giving women "equal rights."
Homosexuals as an integral ingredient of the Feminist poison. Long before
gays parodied marriage by marrying each other, preparatory to winging each
other while searching for nine year old boys to transexualize, lesbians made
heterosexual marriage gay, in the name of the rights, freedom, and safety of
married women, which rights were demanded by women who were single and
unlikely to ever get married.

Infertility Normalization: Homosexuals usually have little to no children.
The omnipresent celebration of the LGBT alphabet soup has resulted in a
normalization of singlehood and childlessness; it's no longer possible to
say in polite society that reproduction is good and lack of reproduction is
bad, because, among other things, of "homophobic overtones." Whenever we
critique low TFR, we critique a condition that is part and parcel of the gay
death style, one that incessant propaganda, particularly aimed at young
women and nerds, propaganda often produced by actual fags, has successfully
transmitted to the entire society. By being loud, proud, and childless, and
by attaining high status in society, the gays have turned childlessness into
a "legitimate life choice," indeed, as many leftists will tell you, a
preferable choice than breeding. Homosexuality marches shoulder-to-shoulder
with anti-natalism.

Gays are annoying. Gays predate on straight men constantly; they are
offensively extroverted (gays) and aggressive (lesbians); their manner of
speech is disgusting; their body movements are always exaggerated,
ostentatious, and sexually non-conforming; they always manufacture more
drama than they are worth. Their character's virtues-vices ratio is
horrible, as they possess more vices than one can count, and little to no
virtues. Everything about them signals "Bad News." They are also extremely
petty and politically domineering, hence their going specifically after nice
Christian bakeries and forcing them at the government's gunpoint to "Bake
the cake."

Lack of Pair-Bonding: It is normal for humans to pair bond. This is another
aspect of basic human decency which is conspicuously absent in faggots: They
switch life (death) partners without the tiniest bit of attachment to anyone
who came before. It's just a "mood," you see? Every day, nay – every hour,
can bring someone new to take the place of the previous "sex mate." Gays are
never "couples" after the heterosexual model: They are always inexclusive
friends-with-benefits looking for a novel sexual sensation. Deep affection
and amorous loyalty are altogether foreign to their mentality. This has
ramifications for normal society, as gays - especially during the Baby
Boomer generation - have contributed their part to normalizing divorce,
swinging, and promiscuity.

Disinhibition: Again, they just can't help themselves: They constantly
sexually harass normal people, and have absolutely no control over their own
aberrant inclinations. Their behavior is wholly impulsive and high
time-preference; they are unable to refuse drugs, unable to refuse
condom-less sex with AIDS-positive strangers, and usually unable to plan
anything ahead – they "live for the moment," and as one would expect, die
young. They are entirely controlled by Satan.

Cultural Marxism: The Frankfurt School Cultural Marxists and the like-minded
Freudians have pioneered and disseminated advocacy for homosexuality and
various bizarre sexual behaviors. These guys hate us and intend our
destruction, therefore anything and everything they advocate is intended to
destroy us.

Bad Aesthetics: Homosexuality is viscerally repulsive. Knowing that the dude
right next to you engages in anal sex with men is vomit-inducing. Beauty is
truth, and evolution has instilled in us natural aversion to the unhealthy;
we can tell ugliness and vileness when we witness them, and instinctively
know to back away and stay away. Those whose instincts don't tell them to
avoid homosexuals have something wrong with their brain-wiring and/or
brain-structure. By tolerating gays around, society makes itself disgusting.
While this alone may not be, and may not register as, a sufficient argument
to ban the gays, it does point us to a valid field of inquiry: Why does
homosexuality intensely trigger our healthy disgust reflex? Of course,
beyond it being a dead-end reproductive strategy, it's also a recipe for
quick premature death from disease; it's also eerie, like seeing mutants,
androids, or cadavers, alerting us that something is terribly wrong. Gay is
in uncanny valley, and our aversion to uncanny valley is generally healthy.

Leftism: Homosexuals are naturally prone to leftist politics, as leftism is,
by no means exclusively but in substantial part, a project to normalize the
abnormal for this or that reason; being abnormal themselves, homosexuals are
automatically inclined to support general left-wing causes, be it
race-denialism, socialism, Feminism, and really any form of artificial
egalitarianism or war by the unsuccessful against the successful. Notice how
homos constantly blame everyone else for their afflictions, instead of
examining their own behavior; so no surprise they're in a coalition with
like-minded anti-civilizational forces against civilization. Gays are
pro-black, pro-brown, and pro-Muslim. Muslims hate gays, but gays like
Muslims because Muslims hate us. Gays inherently and naturally tend to
treason, so need to be excluded from power, and, more importantly, excluded
from status, for if gays are high status, treason is high status, and if
treason is high status, it appears that treason prospers, and if it appears
that treason prospers, then treason will prosper. Gay status is the
overthrow of King, Crown, Throne, Altar, and the massacre of our soldiers.

Objectively Aberrant: Homosexuality is a natural dead-end. If a man is
attracted to other men, and is not attracted to women, he is not very likely
to pass his genes forwards. It's an evolutionary death sentence.

Slippery Slope: "acceptance" of gay has led to Gay Marriage, normalization
of "sex change" disfigurement, Drag Queen Story Hour, and so on. Once sodomy
is tolerated, a Pandora's Box from Tartarus full of Hell-spawn is opened,
and other perversities follow suit. For example, cuckoldry, which cuckolds
now call "polyamory." Presumably, one reason that some people support
faggotry is because they themselves are perverted in some or other way, and
by clamoring for homosexuality to be normalize, they seek to thereby open
the door for their own perversity, as with World War Tranny.

Confusion: Just generally, having gays around creates endless confusion
about what is sexually normal and what isn't. People are being bombarded
with all kids of nonsense about "orientation" and "gender identity" and so
on, and some are lost in the confusion and can't sort out what is going on.
We seek to usher in clarity: People need to know what is expected of them
and where they are hierarchically stationed. Homosexuals disrupt clarity,
bringing turmoil and vagueness into both day-to-day life and into the
political scene. Being neither fish nor fowl, being sexually inverted,
they've intentionally proceeded to insert "queerness" into manifold aspects
of life, from clothing to school curricula to 56 different sexual
identifications on Facebook to whatever else.

Preference Politics: The homosexuals have made it impossible to discuss
sexuality in a logical way, because sexual politics have been marred by
"preference politics": The idea that your political objectives correspond
to, and merely boil down to advocacy for, your personal sexual proclivities.
Thus, when I say "Attraction to 13-year-old chicks with boobs is part of
normal healthy male sexuality," most readers automatically assume that I
have a "fetish for jailbait," and will call me "hebephile" or "ephebophile"
for it; I will then have to spend ages explaining that my own preferences
(or lack thereof) have nothing to do with it. Since gays are all about
preference politics, politics in service of a specific sexual preference,
people assume that all discussions of sexuality must likewise necessarily
revolve around preference politics. Yes, it is frustrating to be unable to
say "It's normal for men to be aroused by 13-year-olds" without people
assuming that I, personally, have a specific fetish for 13-year-olds, and am
saying what I'm saying solely due to my own personal fetish. That "This
person is engaging in preference politics" is now most people's null
hypothesis is the result of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and so on similar
perverts forcing themselves on normal society. Even though gays are a tiny
minority, they soak up all the cultural space, leaving no room for

Hypersexuality: Gays are hypersexual, and invest tremendous efforts
acquiring more and more sexual experiences, to the exclusion of other
pursuits. Their excessive lust leads them, and whoever is politically
influenced by them, to prioritize gay sex above e.g.
scientific-technological advancement and cultural creation. The faggot's
quest to attain ever greater sexual pleasure takes precedence over whatever
else he wants to do, so often they end up doing nothing else but cruising
for sex. Individually, that's self-destructive; on the political level, it
results in gay parasitism, e.g., gays using our tax money to subsidize
gayness, instead of other things. By and large, homosexuals are not "also
gay," but rather, are "gay above all else."

Biological Leninism: Another reason that the homos support left-wing causes
is because of Biological Leninism: Since their status under normal
circumstances is low indeed, gays attach themselves to and promote whatever
political faction that promises to artificially raise their status. They are
natural members of the left-wing coalition, and are status-invested in
maintaining the Cathedral, for without the Cathedral's elevation of the
gays, they would rapidly lose their social prestige. They may not rank as
highly as transsexuals and abortionists on the Progressive Totem Pole, but
under any healthy system they'd be absolute pariahs, or dead, so they side
with the Cathedral. Moreover, they need a Cathedral to normalize
homosexuality through "point deer, make horse," i.e., by collectively and
unanimously pretending that homosexuals are totally normal. Without the
Cathedral, people will once again notice that the deer is not in fact a
horse - that gays are not anything remotely normal.

Pedo-Hysteria: Hysteria about "pedophiles" is in large part a consequence of
Gay Liberation, as many homosexuals have a distinct preference for
prepubescent boys. The current witch hunts against "pedophiles," which
result in multitudes of normal heterosexual men getting sent to the slammer
for bogus sex-crimes, is facilitated by both the presence of homosexuality
in the social atmosphere (leading to the invention of the "pedophilia"
anti-concept) and by actual homosexual predation on boys who are often
prepubescent. Pedo-hysteria doesn't allow us to notice that Humbert Humbert
doesn't creep into the bedrooms of 9-year-olds, but that it's the other way
around. Furthermore, LGBT politics are fundamentally hostile to male
sexuality and to heterosexuality in general, because inherent to LGBT
politics is a re-definition of normalcy to exclude old-fashioned normality.

Priests vs. Warriors: Homosexuals give power to the leftist priesthood, the
lawyers, the judges, the professoriat, official science and the official
mass media, and in turn are supported by the leftist priesthood, because
acceptance of homosexuality rests on rule-by-priests. A society ruled by
warriors does not tolerate faggotry and male effeminacy, so faggots are
naturally inimical to warrior rule and to warriors; they feel much more
comfortable when society is ruled by priests, and are adept at playing
holiness signalling games. Any Priesthood not explicitly anti-homosexual
sooner or later becomes homosexual. Hence the problem with the Roman
Catholic priesthood.

Conspiracy: Gays always conspire, form secret cliques and secret clubs, as
for example the band of perverts now running the Vatican, which gives them
leverage over those not in the know; that's one way in which gays acquire
power. Their conspiratorial behavior makes them dangerous, because in order
to govern effectively, the government - which is fundamentally a conspiracy
- needs to eliminate other conspiracies that vie for power. Government being
a conspiracy, it should be the only conspiracy in place; thus, by having
secret societies, the gays undermine the government, and it's in the
interests of the ruler to uncover the gay cliques and to eliminate them.

Cosmopolitanism: Homosexuals are atomized individuals not invested in the
prosperity of their tribe; generally leaving no descendants behind them,
being genetic dead-ends, they freely associate with members of other tribes,
and form alliances based on homosexuality, rather than on ethnicity, or
geography, or religion. They are outsiders and outcasts within their own
societies and among their own ethnicities, so they tend to ally themselves
with other outsiders and outcasts, and with any global power promising to
advance their agenda, perceiving their in-group to include fellow gays and
perverts, and to exclude most everyone else.

Suicidal Ideation: Gays are not only apt to self-destruct, a quintessential
feature of their psyches; they also flaunt their self-destructive
proclivities before everyone else, seeking - and, through propaganda in the
media and in the entertainment industry, succeeding - to normalize
suicidality. They are sick, morbid people, and they spread their morbidity
around; misery doth love company. By making suicidal ideation "cool," they
have wreaked damage to whoever absorbed that idea and became depressed,
dysfunctional as a result. By inflicting their suicidal ideation and
self-destructive modes of thinking and behavior on the rest of society, they
have further reduced the fertility of all those malleable to be influenced
by fashion, which is now determined by gays. The TFR, and overall happiness
and satisfaction in life, suffer under the homosexuals' cultural domination;
gays aggravate civilization's downward spiral.

1: https://blog.reaction.la/uncategorized/the-general-flynn-affair/#comment-2114199
2: https://www.lifesitenews.com/images/local/files/PDFs/Drag_queen_child_abuse.pdf
3: https://blog.reaction.la/economics/analysis-of-a-chinese-video/