KKK "Grand Dragon" sentenced to 20 years Re: jewess accused of seducing teen neighbor is infamous dog fucker
(too old to reply)
Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:06:09 UTC
That's why they call themselves "GRAND Dragon", folks

KKK "Grand Dragon" sentenced to 20 years: molested his
granddaughter and arranged to have sex with two teenage girls

ATLANTA, GA - NEAL RAY SCHMIDT, 59, of St. Louis, Missouri, was
sentenced today to serve 20 years in federal prison for seeking
to have sex with two teenage girls. SCHMIDT, a retired delivery
man and former Grand Dragon for the Missouri chapter of the
Ku Klux Klan, had traveled from Missouri to Georgia for what he
hoped would be a sexual encounter with two 14-year-old girls he
met online. Since his arrest in this case, SCHMIDT has been
charged with molesting his granddaughter in Missouri and with
arranging a similar sexual encounter with an underage girl in


According to United States Attorney Yates, the charges, and other
information presented in court: In early 2010, SCHMIDT, while
trolling in an online forum for kids, met whom he believed to be
two 14-year-old girls but who were in fact undercover police
officers. The two girls claimed to be friends and explained that
they lived near each other in McDonough, Georgia. SCHMIDT and the
girls had a series of mundane exchanges until SCHMIDT turned the
conversation toward sexual topics. Over the ensuing months, in
an effort to groom the girls for an eventual sexual encounter,
SCHMIDT sent sexually explicit videos of himself, as well as
images and videos of child pornography.

In June 2010, SCHMIDT made arrangements to drive from his home
near St. Louis to a motel in McDonough, Georgia, where the two
girls were to meet him for their sexual encounter. SCHMIDT was
arrested in the parking lot of the motel in McDonough, carrying
several guns, Klan paraphernalia, and an assortment of sex toys
and supplies.

More (if you must) in http://tinyurl.com/ou674td.
Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:07:07 UTC
It just doesn't end...

Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:07:55 UTC
This filthy, deranged animal was, at least, considerate
enough to rid the world of its foul presence.

Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:08:50 UTC
Yes folks, it just does not end.


Las Vegas Metro Police arrested the Nevada state leader of the neo-Nazi
National Socialist Movement (NSM), Josh Davenport, 24, on August 11 on
charges of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl. Police investigating
a missing child report were led to Davenport's nearby apartment, but left
when no one answered their knocks. However, members of the kidnapped girl's
family subsequently surveilled the apartment and later in the night
allegedly saw the crying girl leaving his apartment. They called the
police again, who returned and arrested Davenport without incident.

According to police, the victim said she had been sexually assaulted
at gun­point and the suspect had threatened to kill the girl and her
family. Davenport reportedly told police that he saw the girl having
an argument with another boy, then invited her into his apartment for
a short time before telling her to leave. He denied kidnapping or having
sex with the victim. A subsequent medical examination found signs of
sexual trauma on the victim, while a search of Davenport's apartment
allegedly found items of the victim's clothing in a bag in Davenport's
Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:09:53 UTC

Loose Cannon
2023-02-04 11:10:54 UTC
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Very amusing!
