Sighting of the moon
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David Dalton
2024-09-04 04:57:45 UTC
My latest global new age onset mystic activation attempt
is as mentioned on the thread “Raven and the First Men, revisited”
on alt.religion.druid , in which I relate Raven to the dark moon
that just passed and the Clamshell to the following full moon.
My attempt beginning exactly at dark moon failed, but I am
trying again beginning at earliest waxing crescent, which is
auspicious for new beginnings in paganism and some
other religions. However I cannot sight the moon here
this evening since it is still only at 0.55% and since it
is cloudy here. So I might have to try again on September 5,
which is the three-sunspot-cycle anniversary of my sun stare.
But I always cite the moon. :-)
Anyway, has anyone on here sighted the early waxing crescent
of early September, 2024 yet? If not, post a followup when
you do.
Also I wonder how past primary ootws (Openers of the Way,
who I previously called avatar types) would have been
able to sight the earliest waxing crescent, since like me
they would have been extremely nearsighted but without
glasses (which I discarded before my sun stare, so the
focus formed off my retina, plus it was brief). Maybe
they relied on other(s) to do the sighting?
It is now 27 hours after dark moon and the moon is 1.2%
waxing crescent. However I doubt it will be sighted before
the evening of September 4.

The Silver Bough thumb

Once in 1997 I thumbed at random a book on Scottish folklore
called The Silver Bough Vol. 1 by F. Marian McNeill. It came
out to a page with this poem on it:

Ri faicinn domh na gealaich uir,
Is duth domh mo shuil a thogail.
Is duth domh ma ghlun a leagail,
Is duth domh mo cheann a bhogadh,

Toir cliu dhuit fein, a re nan iul,
Gum faca mi thu a rithist,
Gum faca mi a ghealach ur,
Ailleagan iuil na slighe.

Is iomadh neach a chaidh a null
Eadar uine an da ghealaich,
Ged tha mise a' mealtainn fuinn,
A re nan re 's nam beannachd!

which translates as:

When I see the new moon,
It becomes me to lift mine eye,
It becomes me to bend my knee,
It becomes me to bow my head.

Giving thee praise, thou moon of guidance,
That I have seen thee again,
That I have seen the new moon,
The lovely leader of the way.

Many a one has passed beyond
In the time between the two moons,
Though I am still enjoying earth,
Thou moon of moons and of blessings!
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her
head to find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (S. McL.)
David Dalton
2024-09-04 21:09:15 UTC
My latest global new age onset mystic activation attempt
is as mentioned on the thread “Raven and the First Men, revisited”
on alt.religion.druid , in which I relate Raven to the dark moon
that just passed and the Clamshell to the following full moon.
My attempt beginning exactly at dark moon failed, but I am
trying again beginning at earliest waxing crescent, which is
auspicious for new beginnings in paganism and some
other religions. However I cannot sight the moon here
this evening since it is still only at 0.55% and since it
is cloudy here. So I might have to try again on September 5,
which is the three-sunspot-cycle anniversary of my sun stare.
But I always cite the moon. :-)
Anyway, has anyone on here sighted the early waxing crescent
of early September, 2024 yet? If not, post a followup when
you do.
Also I wonder how past primary ootws (Openers of the Way,
who I previously called avatar types) would have been
able to sight the earliest waxing crescent, since like me
they would have been extremely nearsighted but without
glasses (which I discarded before my sun stare, so the
focus formed off my retina, plus it was brief). Maybe
they relied on other(s) to do the sighting?
According to a news.google.com search for
sighting of the moon
it was sighted in Hyderabad (or nearby) on September 4,
but was not sighted in Islamabad (or nearby) so they
anticipate a sighting of September 5 there.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her
head to find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (S. McL.)
David Dalton
2024-09-06 23:08:18 UTC
My latest global new age onset mystic activation attempt
is as mentioned on the thread “Raven and the First Men, revisited”
on alt.religion.druid , in which I relate Raven to the dark moon
that just passed and the Clamshell to the following full moon.
My attempt beginning exactly at dark moon failed, but I am
trying again beginning at earliest waxing crescent, which is
auspicious for new beginnings in paganism and some
other religions. However I cannot sight the moon here
this evening since it is still only at 0.55% and since it
is cloudy here. So I might have to try again on September 5,
which is the three-sunspot-cycle anniversary of my sun stare.
But I always cite the moon. :-)
Anyway, has anyone on here sighted the early waxing crescent
of early September, 2024 yet? If not, post a followup when
you do.
Also I wonder how past primary ootws (Openers of the Way,
who I previously called avatar types) would have been
able to sight the earliest waxing crescent, since like me
they would have been extremely nearsighted but without
glasses (which I discarded before my sun stare, so the
focus formed off my retina, plus it was brief). Maybe
they relied on other(s) to do the sighting?
It seems my workings could not begin at dark moon but
instead after my first local sighting of the waxing crescent.

I viewed the waxing crescent for the first time this lunar month at
exactly sunset, 7:30 p.m. NDT (2200 UTC/GMT) September 6, 2024,
almost four days after the exact time of new (dark) moon.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her
head to find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (S. McL.)