Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism: The Logic and Religion Webinar
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Francisco de Assis Mariano
2023-08-16 18:10:29 UTC
Dear Colleague,

You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and Religion Webinar Series which will be held on August 17, 2023, at 4pm CET with the topic:

Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism
Speaker: Mohammad Jafar Jame Bozorgi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran)
Chair: Ali Sadegh Daghighi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran)

Please check the link to register and receive a zoom link:

Abstract: In their works, Graham Priest and Richard Routley try to show a kind of refusal to deny the contradiction and even display the truth of some of them. According to them, dialetheism is a reaction against philosophical systems whose goal has always been to build impenetrable and rigid forms and frameworks. But what is the opinion of Islamic philosophy? In Islamic philosophy and mysticism, especially in Ibn Arabi's mysticism and Mulla Sadra's philosophy, there are doctrines and theories that have caused some philosophers to suspect that they are contradictory. In this lecture, I will show that theories such as the Unity of Existence, the Plurality of Divine Names and Attributes, the Ontological Foundation of Existence, the Substantive Movement, etc., do not correspond to dialetheism. Although Mulla Sadra's theory of the Substantive Movement denies any fixed nature for the object, there is a great difference between the negation of the quiddity and the denial of the originality of the quiddity.


Join us 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session!

With best wishes,
Francisco de Assis Mariano
The University of Missouri-Columbia
LARA Secretary
David Dalton
2023-08-19 01:19:55 UTC
On Aug 16, 2023, Francisco de Assis Mariano wrote on alt.religion.islam
Post by Francisco de Assis Mariano
Dear Colleague,
You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and Religion
Webinar Series which will be held on August 17, 2023, at 4pm CET with the
Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism
Speaker: Mohammad Jafar Jame Bozorgi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran)
Chair: Ali Sadegh Daghighi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran)
Abstract: In their works, Graham Priest and Richard Routley try to show a
kind of refusal to deny the contradiction and even display the truth of some
of them. According to them, dialetheism is a reaction against philosophical
systems whose goal has always been to build impenetrable and rigid forms and
frameworks. But what is the opinion of Islamic philosophy? In Islamic
philosophy and mysticism, especially in Ibn Arabi's mysticism and Mulla
Sadra's philosophy, there are doctrines and theories that have caused some
philosophers to suspect that they are contradictory. In this lecture, I will
show that theories such as the Unity of Existence, the Plurality of Divine
Names and Attributes, the Ontological Foundation of Existence, the
Substantive Movement, etc., do not correspond to dialetheism. Although Mulla
Sadra's theory of the Substantive Movement denies any fixed nature for the
object, there is a great difference between the negation of the quiddity and
the denial of the originality of the quiddity.
Join us 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session!
With best wishes,
Is a recording of the session available online?
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"This could be the final breath; This is life and death;
This is hard rock and water; Out here between wind and flame;
Between tears and elation; Lies a secret nation" (Ron Hynes)