A shocking claim about the Baghdad bombings of 1950 and 1951
(too old to reply)
Susan Cohen
2023-08-04 03:15:55 UTC
Justin Marozzi
(Justin Marozzi is the author of Baghdad City of Peace, City of Blood)

Avi Shlaim’s family led the good life in Baghdad. Prosperous and
distinguished members of Iraq’s Jewish minority, a community which
could trace its presence in Babylon back more than 2,500 years, they
had a large house with servants and nannies, went to the best schools,
rubbed shoulders with the great and the good and sashayed elegantly
from one glittering party to the next. Shlaim’s father was a
successful businessman who counted ministers as friends. His much
younger mother was a socially ambitious beauty who attracted admirers,
from Egypt’s King Farouk to a Mossad recruiter. For this privileged
section of Iraqi society, it was a rich, cosmopolitan and generally
harmonious milieu. And for the young Shlaim, born in Baghdad in 1945,
these were halcyon days.

They were not to last. In 1950, during a series of bombings targeting
the Jewish population in the Iraqi capital, he and his family fled
their ancient homeland to begin new lives in the fledgling state of
Israel. His father, by then in his fifties, could not speak Hebrew and
was completely undone by the move. After a couple of failed attempts
to start a business, he never worked again. Shlaim’s vivacious mother
was forced to take up the slack, exchanging the gilded life of a
society hostess in Baghdad for a mundane job as a telephonist in Ramat
Gan, east of Tel Aviv, where they lived in much diminished
circumstances. The couple drifted apart and divorced, and Shlaim’s
father died in 1970.

Disinterring his turbulent childhood more than 70 years later, Shlaim,
a retired Oxford professor and distinguished historian of the
Arab-Israeli conflict, comes to understand that his earliest
relationship with Israel was defined by an inferiority complex. The
Sephardim, Jews from Arab lands, were looked down upon by the
Ashkenazim, their European counterparts. He was tongue-tied and
taciturn at school and only regained his confidence, after an unhappy
period in Israel, when resettled as a teenager in Britain.

At the heart of this riveting and profoundly controversial book is
Shlaim’s investigation into the Baghdad bombings against Jewish
targets in 1950 and 1951. Between those years around 110,000 Jews of a
population of approximately 135,000 emigrated from Iraq to Israel.
Although Israel has consistently denied any involvement in these
attacks, suspicion has hung over the clandestine activities of Zionist
agents tasked with persuading the Jewish community to flee Iraq and
settle in Israel. Shlaim’s bombshell is to uncover what he terms
‘undeniable proof of Zionist involvement in the terrorist attacks’,
which helped terminate the millennial presence of Jews in Babylon. It
is quite a charge – and will always be hotly disputed.

This is a beautifully written book which artfully blends the personal
with the political. The recollections of family life in both its glory
and its anguished tribulations are vividly recreated. Shlaim’s is a
powerful and humane voice which reminds us that the Palestinians were
not the only victims of the creation of Israel in 1948. He argues that
the Zionist project dealt a mortal blow to the position of Jews in
Arab lands, turning them from accepted compatriots into a suspected
fifth column allied to the new Jewish state. He resolutely clings to
his identity as both Arab and Jew, hence the title of this memoir.

After national service and his arrival as an undergraduate in
Cambridge in 1966, Shlaim brings his story to a close with an
extraordinary epilogue in which he launches a full-frontal assault on
Zionism and the modern state of Israel. Even after everything that has
come before this, its sheer ferocity stuns.

This is a lacerating J’Accuse that will leave some readers reeling. He
argues that the Eurocentric Zionist movement and Israel together have
intensified divisions between Arabs and Jews, Israelis and
Palestinians, Hebrew and Arabic and Judaism and Islam. It has actively
worked to erase an ancient heritage of ‘pluralism, religious
tolerance, cosmopolitanism and coexistence. Above all, Zionism has
discouraged us from seeing each other as fellow human beings.’ Israel,
originally created by a ‘settler-colonial movement’ which perpetrated
the ‘ethnic cleansing of Palestine’, has become ‘a fortress state with
a siege mentality that attributed genocidal intentions to its
neighbours’. This is bitterly contested territory. Shlaim confesses
that the majority of Israelis, including his family, are outraged by
the designation of Israel as an ‘apartheid state’, yet this is
precisely what he considers it.

As for the most effective way forward, it is difficult to mount a
credible argument against his conclusion that the so-called
‘two-state’ solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a busted
flush. After years of the relentless and illegal expansion of Israeli
settlements, the clearest way to demonstrate this is to pose a simple
question. Where exactly would the Palestinian state be?

Shlaim’s preferred resolution of the conflict, once dismissed as an
extreme fringe pursuit but now considered with increasing seriousness,
including by Palestinians but extremely few Israelis, is the one-state
solution, with ‘equal rights for all its citizens, regardless of
ethnicity or religion’. That would equate to the end of the Jewish
state of Israel. Why should that even be contemplated? Shlaim answers
with a final thrust of the knife: ‘Apartheid in the 21st century is
simply not sustainable.’

2023-08-04 08:21:29 UTC
On Thu, 03 Aug 2023 23:15:55 -0400, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Susan Cohen
Justin Marozzi
(Justin Marozzi is the author of Baghdad City of Peace, City of Blood)
Avi Shlaim’s family led the good life in Baghdad. Prosperous and
distinguished members of Iraq’s Jewish minority, a community which
could trace its presence in Babylon back more than 2,500 years, they
Forever unable to get your superiors out of your sick gay neo-nazi head, you
abysmally stupid ridiculous gay neo-nazitard? LOL
Anti-virus firm AVG <***@avg.com> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."
Critical Universal
2023-08-19 18:29:27 UTC

Dear Madam, Sir;

This case and situation directly concern everyone around the world, his life and safety.

Mr. REDHA BENDRIDI is a very important global personality but most of people don't know him and he saved billions of lives many times, preserved global peace, safety and security and prevented violent and armed conflicts and civil war in the United States but most of people don't know that.

His life and the lives of all people related to him and their safery are very important for the whole world because of many reasons.

For many years without cease one single day; a very dangerous organized global evil and criminal network formed by a lot of officials and people from many countries are torturing him, poisoning him, attacking him from all sides, preventing authorities from interfering and resolving his case, preventing him from obtaining copies of evidence, records, documents, investigation reports, reports and recognition that concern him and his case which is the case of the whole world, preventing him from obtaining help, his rights and his funds, cutted his only resource of financial income and putted him in a very difficult financial situation, preventing media from covering his case and telling the truth, spreading false information about him and his case and inciting people against him, trying to assassinate him and trying to detain him by force with preprepared plans in a mental hospital and prison to torture him more, poison him more, force him to take harmful substances and medicines to liquidate him to hide the truth about his torture, the case, what is happening to him and to the whole world because of him and his case and to hide the truth about the violent, armed conflicts and the civil war in the United States that he has prevented from happening and this will lead to an unprecedented global disaster and end of life on earth.

Dear Madam, Sir;

For global safety and for the lives of all peoples of the whole world and their safety; all peoples of the whole world must immediately know the truth, take urgent action to protect Mr. REDHA BENDRIDI and eveyone related to him, URGENTLY PREVENT HIS CRIMINAL DETENTION IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL AND PRISON, protest and condemn his torture, the crimes against him and what is happening to him and to the whole world, open an official international investigation about his torture, his case, what is happening to him and to the whole world because of him and his case, launch a global campaign of fundraising and solidarity for him, urgently help him to get copies of evidence, records, documents, investigation reports, reports and recognition that concern him and his case, help him to get his rights and funds located in the United States Department of Treasury and everywhere there are located, help him to get an official international security insurrences, official international status and official recognition that he saved billions of lives and did a lot of good for humanity and the international community and urgently go meet with him in Algeria.

Time is very short for the whole world.


Best regards.








